Saturday, October 15, 2011

What's hot in Boston!

Have you ever seen a burlesque dance show? If you are interested, you should definitely go to one of the Boston Babydolls Burlesque troupe's show. They were named "Boston's Best Dance Troupe (Sexy)" by The Boston Phoenix 2010 and "Best Burlesque in Boston" 2011. Some of us saw their new Halloween show called The Wrathskellar and we all really appreciated it! You can get more information about their upcoming shows on their website! But here's a preview of their current show playing until the end of October:


  1. definitely check it out if you guys like seeing boobs!! ;) maybe we can find a male dancers burlesque show in boston!!!

  2. you should put the video you showed me yesterday, more guys will be interested haah :)
